Spider-Man 2

In SPIDER-MAN 2, the latest installment in the blockbuster Spider-Man series, based on the classic Marvel Comics hero, Tobey Maguire returns as the mild-mannered Peter Parker, who is juggling the delicate balance of his dual life as college student and a superhuman crime fighter. Peter’s life becomes even more complicated when he confronts a new nemesis, the brilliant Otto Octavius (Alfred Molina) who has been reincarnated as the maniacal and multi-tentacled “Doc Ock.” When Doc Ock kidnaps MJ (Kirsten Dunst), Spider-Man must swing back into action as the adventure reaches new heights of unprecedented excitement.
Release Year: 2004
Run Time: 2:7 (127 min)
Rating: PG-13
Starring: Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco
Director: Sam Raimi
Box Office Revenue: 788,976,453
Written by: Alvin Sargent, Stan Lee, Alfred Gough, Steve Ditko, Michael Chabon, Miles Millar
Budget: $200,000,000

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