Darkest Hour

A thrilling and inspiring true story begins on the eve of World War II as, within days of becoming Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill (Academy Award nominee Gary Oldman) must face one of his most turbulent and defining trials: exploring a negotiated peace treaty with Nazi Germany, or standing firm to fight for the ideals, liberty and freedom of a nation. As the unstoppable Nazi forces roll across Western Europe and the threat of invasion is imminent, and with an unprepared public, a skeptical King, and his own party plotting against him, Churchill must withstand his darkest hour, rally a nation, and attempt to change the course of world history.
Release Year: 2017
Run Time: 2:5 (125 min)
Rating: PG-13
Starring: Gary Oldman, Lily James, Ben Mendelsohn
Director: Joe Wright
Box Office Revenue: 150,847,274
Written by: Anthony McCarten
Budget: $30,000,000

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